
Friday, April 22, 2011

Saidie's first hospital experience

Tuesday Saidie went to the hospital bright and early for the appointment we've been waiting on for two months.  The plan was to sedate her, clean her ears, possibly insert ear tubes, and finally to give her a hearing test using brain electrodes.  After waiting about 3 hours she was wheeled away in a wagon clutching her piglet and blanket.  Within the hour the doctor came to tell me he had inserted a tube in her right ear.  All structures seemed to be in order in the ear canals.  Much later we were ushered back to Phase 2 recovery where Saidie was sitting in a chair crying.  I scooped her up and held her on my lap.  She was not pleased with her IV or being stuck in the hospital room.  Within minutes she calmed down and looked at the easter animal shaped rubber band bracelets and tiny stuffed hedgehog we found for her in the hospital gift shop.  Before we left, Saidie downed an apple juice and two bags of Teddy Grahams.
front porch picnic lunch

We haven't heard the results of the hearing test yet, but the doctor didn't expect the audiologist to find any big surprises. 


Serving the King said...

Yay! Go Sadie! What a brave and beautiful girl! So, so glad everything went well and that she even got a wagon ride out of it....and a new stuffed animal! Woot!

Anonymous said...

Bless her little heart--so glad this is behind her and now maybe she can hear clearer. Imagine she really was glad to see you in the recovery area and happy to sit in your lap and receive the love you gave her!
In Christian Love,
Grandma & Grandpa

Chris said...

Praying for good results!

What a cutie your Sadie is!!!