
Saturday, February 05, 2011

Maimie's 4th Gotcha Day Anniversary

It's hard to look at little Maimie and believe that it's been 4 years since the day we first met.  To see our original Gotcha Day posts for Maimie click here and here.

What an exciting day that was for us and so full of surprises.  We had received Maimie's referral just 3 months earlier in November of 2006.  We were given 3 photos of a 6 month old child with unrepaired cleft lip and cleft palate 3rd degree.   

As we walked into the civil affairs room to meet our 15 month old daughter, we saw several nannies and babies, but not ours.  None of the babies had an unrepaired cleft lip.  Our guide was surprised as well and spoke to the nannies in Cantonese asking them where Guo Zhen was. To our amazement, Guo Zhen's lip had been repaired just a few weeks before we travelled to meet her.  


As she was handed to me, her eyes took in everything.  We gazed at each other, each of us wondering about the other.  There were no screams or cries.  Not even a whimper.  She was easygoing and tolerant.  For the most part she still is.

Maimie is a such a fabulous part of our family.  No one snuggles closer, kisses more often, or enjoys helping like Maimie.  She is a bright ray of sunshine with a sweet spirit, a friendly smile, and a compassionate heart. Truly we are blessed to have her in our lives.

Ni Hao Yall


Anonymous said...

Maimie is certainly a beautiful little girl! Just saw on my calendar that it is Maimie's Gotcha Day! My, how she has grown up since that day! She is definitely a sweetheart!
In Christian Love,
Grandma & Grandpa

Jen said...

She is adorable! Congrats on your 4th anniversary!

Paige said...

Four years! What precious memories with a beautiful little girl.

Brianna said...

I hope that you don't mind my following your blog. I stumbled upon it through blogger one day (the "read next blog" function) and I just found it so beautiful and inspiring! I have always thought about adopting (although I'm only just engaged) and your story is just so beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Your family is in my prayers!

Kristi said...

Thanks for dropping by Fireworks and Fireflies! As I read about your Gotcha Day, I realized that not only did we meet our girls on the same day, but they share a common name, "Zhen."
Maimie is a beautiful little girl.

Sennie said...

Happy Gotcha Day!! Maimie is beautiful! We received our referral in November 2006 also. Couldn't imagine life without our little China Girl <3

Sandy said...

That is so sweet! I love hearing about children adopted from our city SWI. Give me great hope.

Rebekah said...

Happy Gotcha Day! Such a beautiful little girl!!!