That sounds like such a long time. TWENTY YEARS. And yet, Wednesday marked twenty years since Steve and I were married. Yep, August 4, 1990 we tied the knot.
Wednesday evening, the girls and I flipped through the wedding photos. I realized a few rather sobering facts.
#1 We both looked thinner and younger.
#2 My hair was bad then, too.
And #3 Steve actually had black hair. Haven't seen that in awhile.
I think it's safe to say that neither one of us thought twenty years ago that we'd be where we are today having
I don't say that with pride, but with humility, knowing that only God's grace has bound our hearts and purposes together. We've had some incredibly rough times. Times that could have ended our marriage. But God intervened and made our marriage stronger, our commitment deeper.
I'm looking forward to the next twenty years.

Congratulations! God's grace...that's what my husband and I always say has kept our hearts together.
Congratulations!! Twenty years may seem like a life time but we guarantee the next 20 will go by even faster! Enjoy each day and what the Lord has in store for that day! May God bless you both and your family!
In Christian Love,
Dad & Mom
Happy Anniversary!! I am celebrating 12 years with my hubby today!
Happy Anniversary!! Isn't it fun to look back at "old" pictures?
So sweet! And 20 years together?!? Congratulations!! Love those old pictures... you guys look great then AND now :)
Enjoy your special day together!
Wow! Twenty years!!! Way to go!!
And it really is all about having God right there in the middle of it all!!!
Love the pictures!
About that hair of yours...
I think I was sporting that 'do' back in the early 90's as well!! lol
awesome post! Congrats on the lifelong love and to many more years to come.
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