I'm going crazy here waiting. The final documents should be returned next Tuesday, and I'm going to try like everything to complete our dossier that day and overnight it on to our agency. If the dossier gets to our agency by noon Wednesday and everything is correct, it will be delivered Friday. Otherwise, we wait an extra week until the following Friday.
While the possible referral was taken away from us, the official file was not. This particular little one should be available to us around the 19th of this month (which falls on a Saturday-ugghh!). At that point we could lock her file and send the paperwork necessary. We still can't announce anything until we get word back from China, but at least we will have some confirmation that she's our daughter. I can't wait to share all of the photos!
So, I've been doing what I always do when I'm stuck waiting. I clean like a maniac (nesting?). Monday the room above the garage got the cleaning of its life. Tuesday--brace yourself--I knocked out our walk-in closet. It was hideous! It included going through all of the tupperware bins of clothes, etc. Wednesday we cleaned all three bathrooms and I did about 9 loads of laundry. Now if I can just work myself up to starting the remodeling in the old playroom/new bedroom for the boys. After that it will be on to the boys' old bedroom/ little girls' new room, and I'll probably finish up in Mikaela's room (all to herself again).
I also managed to sew some little curtains for Maimie's playhouse. I found some pink Disney princess material that I knew she'd love and stitched it up. I think she'll really get into playing more once she has a little partner in crime.
Oh, my, you certainly have been nesting!! Love the curtains and can't wait for the referral photos of #5 and find out her name! It will be so cute to see two tiny faces looking out the playhouse window!
In Christian Love,
Grandma & Grandpa
You are killing me!!! Good luck... I understand the whole nesting thing...
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