
Saturday, April 24, 2010

5, 6, 7...Going to Heaven!

Maimie today: Sudsing up rubber ducky

It was a little after noon. I had just heated up some leftover Monical's pizza in the microwave for Maimie's lunch while the other kids were preparing to heat their lunches. Maimie stood on the kitchen chair and said, "Hey, Mama...Can we go to heaven?" I sat her paper plate on the table in front of her chair and said, "Well, yes, we can go to heaven if we ask Jesus into our hearts." Before I could go on, Maimie jumped down from the chair, excitedly yelling,"Okay, great! ...5,6,7,...going to heaven!".


Maimie in April 2006: in China

I took her on my lap for a minute, and we talked about Jesus dying on the cross for the bad things we do and how we can ask Jesus into our hearts. Then Maimie piped up,"So can we call Jesus in heaven and talk to him?" I told her how every time we pray to God we are "talking" to Him. I'm not sure how much Maimie really "got". I remember all three of our older kids having a better handle on spiritual things at her age. Not that it's a comparison. Maimie is progressing at her own rate and doing beautifully. I do think the little seeds are being planted, though. Maimie has a tender heart and sweet spirit. I believe that God orchestrated her arrival into our family, into our Christian home, for a reason. Undoubtedly for many reasons. The benefits have mostly been ours. She has enriched our lives and blessed us way beyond imagination. But hopefully one of the benefits for Maimie will be that someday she gives her heart fully to Christ...in her own timing...in His timing. And then one day we all will be together in heaven.
...5,6,7...going to heaven!


Maimie in April 2007: Home for 2 months


Easter 2008

Spring 2009

Ni Hao Y'all


Anonymous said...

We pray regularly for Maimie's salvation. It is so wonderful she is asking questions and soon will connect all the dots and know for sure she is going to heaven! We will continue to pray diligently for her. The faith of a little child!
In Christian Love,
Grandma & Grandpa

Stefanie said...

How sweet! And what a blessing she is already wanting to learn more about going to heaven... won't be long and she'll allow Jesus into her heart for always :)

ellieshine said...

Very sweet - I love these conversations - I always learn from the way my children see God and Jesus and heaven at all the different stages. What a great record of your Maimie's sweet little musings :)

Jenilee said...

she is adorable! what a cutie :) I love when kids ask those kinds of questions. such innocent, sweet little hearts they have!

Tina Michelle said...

She is so cute. I love how she wants to count 567goingtoheaven!

Chris said...

What a beautiful post!!!

Don't ya just love the simple faith of a child????