
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Holiday Happenings

During Thanksgiving break, we enjoyed some time with Mikaela at home.  On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Erick joined us for our annual trek out to pick our Christmas tree.  

 Once the house was all decked for Christmas, we were on to band and chorus concerts, Sunday School programs, and the madrigal dinner.

Joseph  and the madrigal sophomores

 We even enjoyed a big snowfall in December.

In addition to the usual holiday activities, we celebrated Saidie's Gotcha Day on December 13.  That sad, frightened, and confused little girl has truly blossomed during the last 3 years since we met her.  This year her gift from China was a beautiful hand painted silk fan.  

Of course, I insisted on family photos, but didn't manage to plan ahead, so these are a few of my favorites:

The girls carried on the Christmas calendar tradition again this year:

Daisy's Christmas duck

Christmas morning after church service

Christmas evening with Grandpa and Grandma

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