
Sunday, August 29, 2010


It's been a whirlwind week here at our house with our big "referral/letter seeking confirmation" news.  I've finally been able to post photos of our new little sweetie, here.   In general, it's been a week of getting back in the school/activities groove.  But today, I'm just relaxing ("full-axing" as Maimie puts it).  My youngest daughter has been on my mind a lot this week.  I'm happy and excited and oh, so ready to jump in a plane and go meet the little cutie.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll think about the room that I've not finished decorating, or the enormous cost of plane tickets for 7 people, or the medical issues we will have to deal with soon, or even the difficulties associated with toddler adoptions. But today...no not today.

Today I plan to just gaze at my new daughter's photos.  And to think of all the wonderful times we will soon share.  Today I will daydream of holding her hand on an evening walk, of smooching her pudgy little cheeks, of stories on my lap, of tutus and teaparties, of baby dolls and lightning bugs, of hairbows and ice cream cones, of Bible stories and nursery rhymes, of sweet bedtime prayers and early morning snuggles, of singing silly songs and painting little piggie toes.

Ni Hao Y'all


Tina Michelle said...

Awww, I am getting so excited for you!!

Paige said...

Great post. How great is it to take a day off from all the bustle and focus on your children! Especially the one waiting to come home. I hope you travel quickly and that you will enjoy all the prep for her arrival.

jessica ann said...

Oh my goodness! How exciting! I am incredibly excited for you and your family! Congratulations!

Dardi said...

This is wonderful! I'm glad I stopped by b/c there's nothing better than hearing of another child about to come home!! Congratulations & enjoy your daydreaming!

Joanna @ Asking with Faith said...

So Cute!!

Jeff and Amy said...

What a blessing, she is just as sweet as can be!!!! Congrats hope you travel soon:)

Anonymous said...

You definitely deserve a day of relaxing! Everything still needing to be done before her arrival will get done. The other day I saw a sign in a bakery that read: STRESSED spelled backward is DESSERTS! Remember that and grab some chocolate and just relax!
In Christian Love,
Grandma & Grandpa

3 Countries 1 Love said...

Congratulations! She's adorable! You're right...sometimes we have to set everything aside and just enjoy the moment. There's plenty of time to stress ;)

Melanie said...

Beautiful snapshot!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and congrats on your new daughter, she looks adorable =)

Annie said...

So excited for you!!! She is adorable:)

Susan said...

How exciting - she's darling!

quilt'n-mama said...

Your sweetie is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to your family!

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful!!!
(clicked over from nihaoyall)
www.wearegraftedin.com -- come check it out!

ellieshine said...

oh your baby is so precious! How very exciting! Thanks for leaving some love on my blog!

You have a gorgeous family :)

Chris said...

Your new daughter is darling!!!

How exciting!!!


Stefanie said...

Absolutely!! Hope you were able to relish every moment pouring over your beautiful daughter's pictures :)